Are we a match? Are we a match

Send sales quotes in 37 seconds

No more copy and pasting or looking through pricing lists. With Quick Quotes you go from inquiry to quotation in 37 seconds. We doubt your leads will receive such a quick response from your competitors!

crm with sales quotes
pipeline management CRM feature
efficient sales quoting

Send sales quotes in seconds

  • Quickly create a proposal using pre-saved Items from your Catalog.
  • Get your quote automatically added to an email template in a few clicks.
  • Move your deal forward in the pipeline and keep track of its progress.
free sales quote templates

Win over prospects with professional quotes

  • No more typos. OnePageCRM automatically sums up prices and amounts.
  • Create quote templates to speed up your sales process and close more deals.
  • Email quotes directly from OnePageCRM. No need to switch between different apps.
sales quoting
crm with sales quotes

See how it works

Have a look at how you can build and email accurate sales quotes in just a few clicks, all without leaving your CRM.
Try Free

Integrate Quick Quotes with an action-focused CRM

OnePageCRM is the only action-focused CRM in the world.Β Built for small businesses, it transforms your client database into a simple to-do list (we call it Action Stream).
Set follow-up reminders next to contacts.
See a prioritized list of tasks for today.
Stay motivated with the Target Widget.
Keep all client info on one scrollable page.
crm with reminders

Built an integration with OnePageCRM?

If you’re building your own integration with OnePageCRM, we’d like to hear from you! Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Connect Quick Quotes to your CRM

Discover the full potential of our simple CRM by pairing it up with Quick Quotes. Keeping in touch with clients and growing sales have never been easier.
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