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Generate leads in a few clicks

Capture contact information from Outlook in just one click and quickly add new leads to your CRM account.

lead clipper crm integration

Here's what this Outlook extension does

lead clipper crm integration

Capture leads from Outlook

Use OnePageCRM’s Lead Clipper to easily add leads to your CRM from the Outlook app.

  • Add new contacts to your CRM in just a few clicks.
  • Get the full picture by fetching historical emails.
  • Contact details missing? Click on the enhance icon to gather more information.
  • Keep the momentum by setting up a Next Action.

Always know your next step

  • Add a Next Action to the new contact straight from the Outlook extension.
  • If the contact already exists in your CRM, click on the extension to see their details and your Next Action.
  • No need to remember all tasks. Receive desktop notifications for Next Actions with due date.
crm with task management
Want to use Lead Clipper in your browser instead?
Check out Lead Clipper extension for web browsers.

Use Lead Clipper with the action-focused CRM

OnePageCRM is the only action-focused CRM in the world. Built for small businesses, it transforms your client database into a simple to-do list (we call it Action Stream).
Set follow-up reminders next to contacts.
See a prioritized list of tasks for today.
Stay motivated with the Target Widget.
Keep all client info on one scrollable page.
crm with reminders
If you have multiple OnePageCRM accounts, easily switch between them using the browser extension.
Learn more

Use Lead Clipper with your CRM

Discover the full potential of our simple CRM by using it together with Lead Clipper. Keeping in touch with clients and growing sales have never been easier.
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