Are we a match? Are we a match

Action every generated lead

The OnePageCRM integration with Wufoo makes sure each lead collected through Wufoo forms is followed up on in a timely manner. No sales opportunity will slip under your radar.

wufoo crm integration
wufoo crm integration

Automate your lead generation efforts

  • Sync leads collected through Wufoo forms to OnePageCRM.
  • Automatically assign a Next Action to follow up while the iron is still hot.

Improve your contact management process

  • Automatically set statuses and tags for effective contact management.
  • Assign a contact owner to each form so your team receives instant notifications every time a new lead comes in.
contact management

See how it works

Have a look at how this Wufoo forms CRM integration works in real life.
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Still choosing a webform app?
Try out our free in-built Web Forms with actionable submissions.

Integrate Wufoo forms with an action-focused CRM

OnePageCRM is the only action-focused CRM in the world. Built for small businesses, it transforms your client database into a simple to-do list (we call it Action Stream).
Set follow-up reminders next to contacts.
See a prioritized list of tasks for today.
Stay motivated with the Target Widget.
Keep all client info on one scrollable page.
crm with reminders

Built an integration with OnePageCRM?

If you’re building your own integration with OnePageCRM, we’d like to hear from you! Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Connect Wufoo forms to your CRM

Discover the full potential of our simple CRM by integrating it with Wufoo forms. Keeping in touch with clients and growing sales have never been easier.
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Wufoo CRM Integration

  • What is Wufoo?

    Wufoo facilitates the collection of leads in various forms including, online contact us forms, application forms, registrations and surveys.

    Wufoo allows users to embed simple form builders without requiring any knowledge of coding. In addition, forms can be highly customized and embedded in strategic online locations to register the interest of potential clients.
  • Why use Wufoo CRM Integration?

    Linking online web forms to your CRM makes total sense when you can keep all captured leads in one place for further nurturing and conversion.

    And thanks to the Wufoo and OnePageCRM integration, you can now push all leads directly to the CRM. No more manual data entry, meaning you can concentrate on more important matters – selling!
  • What are the benefits of Wufoo CRM integration?

    As soon as the data is received via web form, this CRM integration sends the form details direct to the CRM.

    Then, depending on the data capture configuration that you specify, your leads will appear on the top of your Action Stream.

    What’s more, you can even predefine your Next Action to follow-up, so you can begin onboarding right away. Because who wouldn’t be impressed to get a phone call within few minutes of submitting a request?

    You can also easily embed Wufoo forms on your website (including WordPress websites) and collect leads from there directly to your CRM.