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Best CRM for Growing Sales

Sales are all about taking action. OnePageCRM lets you add time-sensitive sales actions to every lead and prospect so you close as many sales deals as possible.


Why salespeople choose OnePageCRM

follow up reminders
Sales follow-ups
Use our bullet-proof follow-up system to add reminders with due dates to your leads and prospects.
simple crm
Simple sales tool
Prioritize, tune down the noise, and improve your sales process with our clutter-free interface.
task management
Proactive sales
Put your sales strategy into action, make the best of every sales deal, and easily convert leads into paying clients.

Simple CRM for sales

Have a look at why OnePageCRM is so popular among salespeople around the world.
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Exceeding sales targets with OnePageCRM

Designed for salespeople, this clutter-free CRM lets sales reps close more deals, keep the sales pipeline moving, constantly win at sales—all without the hassle of clunky, complicated software. This is a sales CRM built for doers.
Sales actions & reminders

Make the most of every interaction

Add tasks and reminders to any lead and prospect in your sales CRM.

No need for additional to-do lists or note-taking apps: OnePageCRM will remind you when the next follow-up is due and will organize your contacts in a dynamic 'to-sell' list.

Different labels indicate how urgent the task is. The most urgent ones are always at the top of your list so you never lose sight of what’s important.
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prioritized list of tasks
sales pipeline
sales pipeline management

Build a healthy sales pipeline

Customize the stages of your sales pipeline and drag-and-drop deals between them.

You can easily see where your deals usually get stuck, and then tweak your sales process to make things smoother.

You'll also get a Forecast view to see whether you are moving closer to hitting your sales targets.
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Sales automation

Automate repetitive sales tasks

OnePageCRM lets you focus on sales and takes care of repetitive tasks.

Create simple workflows, use free data enrichment features, easily create new contacts in your CRM from any social media profile, and much more.

With its automation features, OnePageCRM helps you speed up your sales process.
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presaved tasks

Why OnePageCRM is the best CRM for sales

mass email communication
Sales emails

Send bulk emails from your CRM

Sync OnePageCRM with your email client—and create a powerful Email inbox in your sales CRM.

Send fully authentic emails in bulk, ensuring that every sales email feels 100% genuine and personal.

Sales outreach has never been easier! You can even track if and how many times your emails were opened.
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Sales reporting

Stay on top of your sales targets

Focus on your sales KPIs and monitor whether you need to course-correct.

OnePageCRM has a personalized Target Widget to keep your motivated, sales revenue forecasts, custom reports, real-time updates on sales activities, and an interactive sales dashboard.
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crm dashboard

Mobile CRM for salespeople

OnePageCRM works on any platform and any device, powering inside and outside sales.
mobile crm
Send and log emails directly from your mobile CRM.
Use voice-to-text notes to save notes in your CRM.
speed dialer
Speed Dialer
Keep top leads at your fingertips with our Speed Dialer.
Starred Contacts
Star your VIP contacts to easily call them straight from your CRM.
user permissions
Collaborative sales

Align your sales team

Assign contacts and deals to different team members, adjust user permissions to meet your requirements, and keep team-wide access to the most frequently used sales documents (pitches, sales decks, and so on).

OnePageCRM is a powerful tool for collaborative sales.
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Connect sales CRM to your favorite apps

OnePageCRM is a sales tool that integrates with several apps to make sure that you have everything you need to grow your sales.
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OnePageCRM is the top-rated CRM for growing sales

Mermaid Vodka is a premium Vodka brand headquartered in Sarasota, Florida.

Founded in 2018, the company has ambitious plans to not only be the top-selling vodka in the state of Florida but to quickly expand their business across the US.

“Success builds success so by having a clear structure in place, I can easily focus on hitting my targets week after week and OnePageCRM helps me to achieve that."

Ed Panas
Ed Panas

Business Development Manager at Mermaid Vodka

Key features of the best sales CRM

crm with tasks and reminders
Follow-up reminders
Actively manage relationships with leads and focus on sales.
contact profile
Simple interface
We keep it simple. No need to pay for hundreds of features you’ll never need.
mobile crm
Mobile sales apps
Use OnePageCRM’s mobile apps to grow sales on the go.
customer support
Top customer support
We support your business and help you make the most of your sales CRM.
free trial
21-day free trial
No rush or pressure! Enjoy a 21-day free trial without entering your credit card details.
crm integrations
CRM integrations
Connect OnePageCRM with your favorite apps to boost your sales and grow faster.
See all features

The sales CRM
you’ve been looking for

This CRM is built for salespeople. It makes your follow-up process easy, helps you increase sales, and build long-term relationships with leads and prospects.
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