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New updates and features roll out: Message from our product guy (and CEO)

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A quick heads-up on some great features and updates coming to OnePageCRM this week. Our beta testers find the latest updates really speed up adding/editing contacts and companies.

Thanks to your feedback we can constantly innovate, and we’re really excited about the future of our app.

Note: If you’re an account administrator or the CRM champion in your company, please take some time to communicate the updates in your team. We’re holding a specialist webinar to introduce these great new features. You can register here.

Find and merge duplicate contacts in bulk

After a long wait (some might say) this is one great addition. You can now find and merge duplicates in bulk which will keep your database in ship shape. You’ll find this filter in our Advanced Search popup.

Deduplication screenshot

Easier Settings and customization page

Over time, our app has gotten more powerful and some settings and options were not as clear as they could have been. In response we’ve simplified the entire settings area, keeping it visual and more intuitive for all users.
There are also some new preferences, like automatically showing colleagues’ activity and custom fields expanded by default.

Settings page

Improved Contact/Company usability

This was a big one for me. In the past, we had a lot of users asking for Company-wide custom fields and a separate description for the company, not just a contact.

We added this functionality during the summer, but it wasn’t our finest hour in execution. We temporarily lost our vision of keeping the usage of a CRM close to the usage of an email client, where there are really only two main aspects aspects… a list and a view.

So we’ve fixed this by;

  • Removing the “contact/company switcher” button and replacing it with a much quicker company preview from within the contact. Keeping you in the principle of single context that “the one-page” application was founded on.
  • Allowing you to see company-wide custom fields within the contact.
Company view popup

Faster creation and editing of Contacts and Companies

We’re actually a little embarrassed about this part too. While “the company info” was important to you, we made you jump through hoops to add it!

We had you going through the following process to set up a client account… Add contact, save and add a Next Action, then switch to Company view and edit the company details. Then back to the contact. Embarrassing 🙁
Now you can create the contact and the company at the same time, same screen, same save button.

So now the process is Add Contact and Company > Set Next Action > Pow!

Add company information
Splitting companies

We’ve also made it super easy to handle companies with multiple contacts for when you want to split (remove) a contact from the company or rename the company. See below.

Check out the latest updates video

What’s coming soon…

At this stage, I want to also give you a heads-up on some other imminent releases.

  • Good news for legacy users of OnePageCRM who are still using our 2-column interface. All the latest updates to our app will be coming to the 2-column interface over the coming weeks.
  • Infinite scroll in your Action Stream option for all users.
  • Send emails and save templates from within OnePageCRM (Starting with Gmail users).
Michael FitzGerald CEO OnePageCRM

Thank you for your continued support and valued feedback, all this helps us build a stronger product.

Kind regards,


Comments (23)
  1. PS. I did talk to someone at OnePage about this, but it would be BRILLIANT for us if the system integrated with Dymo printers – we print address labels for orders/letters etc etc all the time and now can’t do it. Thanks.

    1. Hi Caroline,

      I can see that you suggested the Dymo printers integration last month – thanks again for that. If it’s something we follow up on at a later date, I’ve a note taken to reach out to you.

      We appreciate all your feedback, and if you need any more assistance, please let me know.

      All the best,

  2. When we create a custom field it does not alphabetize the list. This really, really needs to be updated. This is crazy.


    1. Hi Monty, thanks for your feedback.

      To be able to choose and prioritize one over another, you can sort the order of your Custom fields using the arrows.

      Hope this helps, Brian.

  3. Thanks for this. Good to see the momentum. Have you address, as part of this, the tendency of your integration with Zapier to always create duplicates? I thought we had this fixed (Zapier integrates our OnePage account to BigCommerce for new accounts and new orders) but the duplicates keep on coming…

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for your feedback.

      The Merge duplicates feedback will quickly identify and merge any duplicated contacts created using Zapier as well. But it will not prevent Zapier from creating them.

      When you’re creating a contact in OnePageCRM from BigCommerce, you can use the Find Contact option in Zapier and use this to search OnePageCRM for an existing contact (you can then create as usual if they don’t exist in OnePageCRM)

      Let me know if you’re having any issues with this


    1. Hi Charlie,

      When you select ‘Split contact’ it will separate the contact from the company they are a part of and move them as an individual (or join/create another company within your account). Hope this helps.


  4. Can’t wait to send mails from my CRM, that is a feature I really like because it will save me time switching tabs.

    1. Glad to hear it Jasper, keep an eye on our blog and we’ll be announcing this in the near future.

      All the best,

    1. Hi Dave, once this is released, you can connect your Gmail/Google Apps inbox (for starters) and send from there but all while working inside OnePageCRM. We will be announcing more once it’s tested and closer to release. Thanks, Brian.

  5. Heh Guys love Action Stream unfortunately I use Google Apps/Suite. Google Voice, email, contacts etc. I feel like I am maintaining two databases because photos and address do not sync over to Google Contacts. Also although click to skype is great, need click to hangouts as option as well. Finally a simple email merge program vs exporting etc… Many of us live in our email box. Will keep an eye on your future upgrades and perhaps than I can become a full paying member. Keep up the good work

    1. Thanks for your feedback Ron. It’s a fair point and one we’re looking into at the moment re: address and photos. Hopefully we’ll get around to reviewing your other points as well in the near future. Thanks again, Brian.

  6. Now that our CRM is getting rather busy with a continually growing number of contacts it will be great to do a clean up of duplicates in bulk. Feeling very exited about the email direct from CRM. We are loving the app updates as well as we are on the road a lot.

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